卒業優等生 おさえきれない胸の高鳴り /吉咲あきな



卒業優等生 おさえきれない胸の高鳴り /吉咲あきな 動画データ


春は卒業の季節。あの日、机を並べて学んだ学生たちも、校門の桜がほんのり色づくと別れの季節がやってくる。そして、満開の桜の花びらに背中を押されながら、新しい道へと飛び立っていく。初恋の思い出を抱えながら、告白できないもどかしさを胸に秘め、そっと校門を振り返ったあの頃・・・。クラスの男子が憧れる清純優等生、吉咲あきなチャンも同じころ、乙女の胸を震わせながらある決意をしていた。卒業旅行で同級生と訪れた温泉旅館。ずっと思い焦がれていた同級生に恋の想いを伝えようと、涼しげな瞳をうるわせながら部屋を訪れた彼女。短い沈黙のあと、想いを上手に言葉にできない彼女は同級生の前で制服をゆっくりと脱いでいった・・・。恥じらいの表情を浮かべながら、優等生からの脱皮を図る彼女。彼女はもう、胸の高鳴りをおさえきれなくなっていた・・・。※本商品はBD-Rになります。Spring is the season of graduation. When the cherry blossoms at the school gate turn slightly red, it is time to say goodbye to the students who studied side by side that day. Then, with the petals of the cherry blossoms in full bloom pushing them forward, they take off on a new path. Those days when I quietly looked back at the school gate, holding the memory of my first love in my heart, but feeling frustrated that I couldn’t confess it... At the same time, Akina Yoshizaki, a pure honor student whom the boys in her class adored, made a decision that shook her heart. On her graduation trip, she visited a hot spring inn with her classmates. In order to tell her classmate, whom she had been longing for for a long time, about her love for him, she went to his room with her cool eyes shining. After a short silence, she slowly takes off her school uniform in front of her classmates, unable to express her feelings in words.... With a look of shame on her face, she tries to break free from her honor student status. She couldn’t hold back the excitement in her heart anymore.


卒業優等生 おさえきれない胸の高鳴り /吉咲あきな 関連無修正動画

▼ 関連項目:お姉さん・着エロ

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